Second Meeting of Cultural Heritage in Science and the Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Reading Group for Graduate Students

Event time: 
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 7:00pm
Whitney Humanities Center, Room 208 See map
53 Wall Street
New Haven
Event description: 

Second Meeting of Cultural Heritage in Science and the Humanities:  An Interdisciplinary Reading Group for Graduate Students
November 2, 7 p.m.
Whitney Humanities Center, Room 208
53 Wall Street

The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities is pleased to announce that the second meeting of this new graduate student reading group will take place on Wednesday, November 2 from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. in room 208 of the Whitney Humanities Center.  Sponsored by our program, the group is dedicated to discussion of interdisciplinary research topics at the interface of art and the natural sciences.

This meeting will feature a presentation from Dr. Keely Orgeman, Alice and Allan Kaplan Assistant Curator of American Paintings and Sculpture at the Yale University Art Gallery.  Dr. Orgeman will lead a discussion on American artist Thomas Wilfred, a leading figure in optics and light projections in the 20th century, whose work will be the subject of an exhibition opening at the Yale University Art Gallery in February 2017.  Dr. Orgeman will discuss opportunities for reading group members to be involved with a project related to the show that bridges interests in STEM and the humanities.

Whether you want to explore a career between the arts and sciences, have an interest in pursuing collaborative research projects, or just want to find out more about the latest arts research using scientific approaches, all interested graduate students are encouraged to attend.  The meetings will also be an opportunity to meet and interact with fellow graduate students in departments outside your own, and with overlapping interests in interdisciplinary research.  Pizza and refreshments will be served at this and subsequent meetings.

For more details on the Cultural Heritage in Science and the Humanities graduate student reading group, please visit the reading group’s webpage.

Likewise, if you are interested in receiving emails from the group, you may sign up for the mailing list here.