Editing Nature Summit: April 20th to 22nd

Event Image: 
Event time: 
Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 4:30pm
Friday, April 21, 2017 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Yale Peabody Museum and Rosenfeld Hall See map New Haven
Event description: 


DNA is the basic building block of life. It is shared by all living things, providing commonality between us and nature. With the advent of CRISPR technology, we now have the capability to alter that very sequence of life, efficiently and
inexpensively, through a process called gene editing. Using gene editing we could create new solutions for environmental sustainability and public health, but without careful consideration and foresight, gene editing could also irreversibly destroy ecosystems and drastically transform the natural world as we know it.

Pioneering a new model based on inclusivity and transparency, the Editing Nature Summit will foster dialogue that spans disciplines and viewpoints to honor the complexity of this important issue. Join us for a series of public talks given by thought leaders from ecology, genetics, public policy, ethics, journalism, engineering and architecture that aim to broaden our perspectives and spur conversation.