“The Language of Ornament: Rhythm, Movement, and the Cosmos,” presented by Professor Emeritus Kent Bloomer and moderated by Kassandra Leiva and Misha Semenov.
The event will take place over Zoom on Wednesday, April 7th at 6:30 PM.
This event is sponsored by the Yale School of Architecture, The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities, and the MacMillan Center at Yale.
Far from being a nebulous experience of pure affect, ornament across world cultures consistently utilizes a fundamental visual grammar to construct a system of meaning. In this lecture, Kent Bloomer, Yale’s ornament guru for the last half century, will share his latest research on the underlying linguistic structure of world ornament, defining basic visual tropes and how they are strung together to create a narrative and connection to a larger order, or cosmos. Kent will present the use of 19th century “grammars” of ornament as a tool for constructing ornament’s vocabulary.
More on this event may be read here: