Science and Humanities Reading Group Meeting

Event time: 
Thursday, November 16, 2017 - 7:00pm
Whitney Humanities Center, Room 208 See map
53 Wall Street
New Haven
Event description: 

The next reading group meeting will take place November 16, at 7 p.m. in the Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall Street), Room 208.  If you have not attended our prior meetings, but want to know more about the group, then this is your chance!

At the meeting, we will take a look at two historical perspectives on the intersection of natural sciences and the humanities. We will focus on a selection from Gerhard Vasco’s (1978) Diderot and Goethe: A Study in Science and Humanism. We will discuss whether the views of these two thinkers can provide a reasonable grounding for interdisciplinary research in today’s world.

The Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 of this inspiring study have been uploaded to the reading group Google Drive (if you need access to the Google Drive, do not hesitate to email Ethan Perets). In our discussion, we will focus on Chapter 1, “Prelude to Science” (pgs 9-25). Those of you who are interested can refer to Chapter 2 for additional context.

As always, food and refreshments will be provided.